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Prof. dr Veljko Papić


e-mail: papic(at)etf(dot)rs

Veljko Papić got his Dipl. Ing. degree from the School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia in 1996. From the same School he got his M.Sc. and PhD degree in 2001 and 2011, respectively. His M.Sc. and PhD dissertations were both from the field of Digital Signal Processing in Radar Systems.

Since 1997 he has been with the School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, where he is currently Assistant Professor at the Department of Signals and Systems. His teaching activities cover the fields of Digital Signal Processing, Image Processing, Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition and Systems Control.

Veljko Papić published more than 50 scientific papers in domestic and international scientific journals and proceedings of domestic and international conferences. He participated in three international projects: Piloting Solutions for Alleviating Brain-Drain in South East Europe – supported by UNESCO and HP, Course Development Program Plus (CDP+) –supported by WUS Austria, Power Plants Robustification based on Fault Detection and Isolation Algorithms (PRODI) – FP7 project supported by European Commission, and many domestic projects funded by Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development.

His main research interests include Computer and Machine Vision, Image Processing, Pattern Recognition and Digital Signal Processing.



1. V. Papić, P. Tadić, A. Marjanović, Signals and Systems – Solved Problems, Academic Mind, Belgrade, 2013

2. V.D. Papić, Ž.M. Đurović, B.D. Kovačević, "Adaptive Doppler-Kalman filter for radar systems", IEE Proceedings – Vision, Image and Signal Processing, Volume 153, Issue 3, pp. 379-387, June 2006

3. I. Reljin, B. Reljin, V. Papić, "Extremely Flat-Top Windows for Harmonic Analysis", IEEE Transaction on Instrumentation and Measurement, Volume 56, Issue 3, pp. 1025-1041, June 2007

4. I. Reljin, B. Reljin, V. Papić, P. Kostić, "New window functions generated by means of time convolution - Spectral leakage error", Proc. of the 9th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON'98) IEEE, Tel Aviv (Israel), Vol. II, pp. 878-881, May 18-20, 1998

5. Papić V., Đurović Ž., Mišković Lj., Kovačević B., "An Adaptive Doppler Filter", Proc of IMACS/IEEE Conf. Circ. Syst. Communic.Comput. CSCC'99, Athens, Greece, 1999

6. Djurović Ž., Kovačević B., Papić V., "Analysis of one class of PID-fuzzy regulators", Proc. of Int. Conf. Neural network applications in Elec. Eng., Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, September 2002

7. Papić V., Đurović Ž., Kovačević B., "OCR Based on ARG Matching Algorithm", Proc. of The 6th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Dalian, China, 2006

8. V. Papić, Ž. Đurović, G. Kvaščev, P. Tadić, "On Signal-to-Noise Ratio Estimation", Proc. of The 15th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON 2010), Valletta, Malta, pp. 160-165, 2010

9. V. Papić, R. Puche-Panadero, P. Todorov, Ž. Đurović, "A New Approach for Classification of Calorific Coal Properties in Boiler Systems", Proc of The 15th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON 2010), Valletta, Malta, pp. 415-419, 2010

10. V. Papić, Ž. Đurović, G. Kvaščev, P. Tadić, (invited paper), "A New Approach to Doppler Filter Adaptation in Radar Systems", in Proc. of papers of 2011 19th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), pp. 707-714, Belgrade, Serbia, Nov. 2011

11. Papić V., Djurović Ž., Kovačević B., "Expert system for vowel recognition", in Proc. of papers of 11th Telecomm. Forum, TELFOR 2003, Beograd, 2003

12. V. Papić, Ž. Đurović, "Moving object tracking in video sequences based on dimension reduction", in Proc. of papers of XLVIII Conf. ETRAN, Čačak, 2004

13. V. Papić, Ž. Đurović, "Object unary and binary measurements in video sequence", in Proc. of papers of XLVIII Conf. ETRAN, Budva, 2005

14. V. Papić, A. Marjanović, B. Kovačević, "On Harris detector parameters influence on image invariant features extraction", in Proc. of papers of LVI Conf. ETRAN, Zlatibor, 2012


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