Prof. dr Veljko Potkonjak
e-mail: potkonjak(at)yahoo(dot)com
Veljko Potkonjak was born in Belgrade in 1951. He studied at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade and graduated in 1974. The same year he was accepted in postgraduate studies at the same faculty to finally finish in 1977. In 1981 V. Potkonjak defended his doctoral thesis. After graduation, Veljko Potkonjak started his work at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Belgrade, as an assistant in the field of mechanics. He became an assistant professor in 1985, and in 1990 he was promoted to the rank of associate professor and finally in 1995 to the rank of full professor. During his educational career, professor V. Potkonjak has been teaching mechanics, robotics, automation, and biomechanics. He was also a teacher or a visiting researcher at the Faculty of Electronics, University of Nish, Technical Faculty in Cacak, National Technical University of Athens, and American University of Athens.
Research interests of Prof. Veljko Potkonjak primarily concern robotics. Within this field he received his M. Sc. and Ph. D. degrees. His attention has been oriented to problems concerning the dynamic modeling of robotic system and the implementation of these models to design and control. He is the a author/coauthor of three international research monograph books (publ. Springer and Kluwer; in English, some of them translated into Japanese and Chinese), two chapters in Handbook of Mechanical Systems Design, chapter in a book on "digital sports", several textbooks for university and for high schools, 62 international journal papers, 27 papers on international conferences, and a number of papers in Yugoslav journals and conferences. Prof. Potkonjak is an Associate Editor of International Journal of Humanoid Robotics. He has made a large number of reviews for respected international journals and conferences as well as for domestic conferences. Within the field of robotics and automation he was engaged in a large number of projects (research and commercial), sometimes heading and sometimes participating.
Prof Veljko Potkonjak is the member, former President, of the Board of Governors of the Institute M. Pupin in Belgrade. He participated in a number of governmental and non-governmental expert groups, consulting activities, etc.