Doc. dr Sanja Vujnović
Sanja Vujnović earned her Dipl. Ing. (bachelor with honors) degree at the School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, in 2010. Her graduation thesis was in the field of industrial system control. She enrolled in the MSc course Control Systems at Imperial College, London under the supervision of prof. Imad Jaimoukha. Her MSc thesis was in the field of numerical mathematics, titled Semidefinite relaxation of global optimization problems. She finished the course the following year (2011) with the highest grades awarded, earning the title MSc with Distinction. Her PhD thesis titled State Detection of Rotary Actuators Based On Acoustic Signal Analysis was completed and defended at School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade in 2017.
She has taken part in several research and commercial projects focused on implementing state detection and fault diagnosis systems in industrial plants. She was a visiting sholar at the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering in the University of California, San Diego in July 2013, and she has participated at the Graduate School on Control organized by the European Embedded Control Institute in 2013 and 2014.
Her main research interests are Statistical Signal Processing, Fault Detection, Estimation Theory, Soft computing and Machine Learning. She has co-authored more than 30 scientific papers in journals and at conferences (complete bibliography can be found here).
Her teaching activity includes courses such as: Signals and Systems, Automatic Control, Real Time Control, Industrial Process Control, Stochastic Systems and Estimation, Nonlinear System Control, Automatic Guidance of Objects in Space, Digital Signal Processing, Soft Computing, Statistical Signal Processing, Multivariable Systems, Sensors and Actuators.