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dr Kosta Jovanović

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full CV:

Kosta Jovanovic was born in Cacak, Serbia in 1986. He received his Dipl. Ing. (2009) and M.Sc. degrees (2010) from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, awarded as the best graduate at Signals & Systems Department in 2009. He did his internship in German company SMS Siemag in 2009, as well as at Technical University of Munich (TUM) University in 2010 and DLR Institute for Robotics and Mechatronics in 2013. His research interests are robot control, human-robot interaction and variable compliant actuators. He is currently involved in teaching at several subjects at the Department of Signals and Systems: Hydraulics & Pneumatics Systems, Robotics and Automation, CNC Machines and Flexible Automation, Theory of Robotics Systems and master course Robotics Systems. He is a member of research group ETF Robotics.

He has published more than 40 papers which are cited 996 times with h-index 12, (source: Scopus, 1.1.2024.); or 1841 citations with h-index 17 (source: Google, 1.1.2024.). Full list of publications is available at Google Scholar - publication list

List of selected projects:

- Horizon Europe - MUSAE: A Human-centred Factory for a Future Technological Sustainable Development Driven by Arts (2022-2025). Project coordinator: Prof. Marita Canina, Politechico di Milano. 

- Horizon 2020 project - DIH-HERO: Digital Innovation Hubs in Health Care Robotics (2019-2023). Project coordinator: Prof. Sergio Stramigioli, University of Twente.

- Horizon 2020 project - DIH2: A Pan European Network of Robotics DIHs for Agile Production (2019-2023). Project coordinator: Dr. Muhammad Ali, Finland Institute of Technology – VTT.

-  Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia - PROMIS: ForNextCobot - Mechanical Impedance Estimation and Planning for the Next Generation Collaborative RobotsMechanical Impedance Estimation and Planning for the Next Generation Collaborative Robots (7/2020 – 7/2022). Project coordinator: Prof. Kosta Jovanović.

- Horizon 2020 cascading project - SHOP4CF - Smart Human Oriented Platform for Connected Factories experiment: BrainWatch for Increased Productivity with Improved Workers Satisfaction (11/2021 – 8/2022). Project coordinator: Prof. Alois Knoll, Technical University of Munich.

- Horizon 2020 cascading project - ReconCell experiment: Reconfigurable Assembly of Airport Signalization Lights using Collaborative Robots (10/2018 – 4/2019). Project coordinator: Dr. Ales Ude, Jozef Stefan Institute.

- Horizon 2020 cascading project - FS4SMIH: Feasibility Study for Serbian Manufacturing Innovation Hub. (9/2016 – 9/2010). Funded by I4MS initiative within Recon Cell H2020 project. Project coordinator: Dr. Ales Ude, Jozef Stefan Institute.

- FP7 project - ECCEROBOTEmbodied Cognition in a Compliantly Engineered Robot (2009-2012). Project coordinator: Prof. Owen Holland, University of Sussex. ETF coordinator: Prof. Veljko Potkonjak.

List of selected awards: AmCham Leader in Change HERO Award – Award of American Chamber of Commerce in Serbia for Excellence in Serbian Society (2018); Best Paper Award – Section: Robotics and Flexible Automation at International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering (IcETRAN 2017, IcETRAN 2016, young researchers category: IcETRAN 2014); Winner of Saphari NMMI Winter School on Robotics: Variable Stiffness Actuators, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy (2015); SUPERSTE award for the best Serbian young scientist (up to 27 age) in the field of natural and technical sciences (2013); Nikola Tesla Foundation Junior Achievement Award (2012); Belgrade Award (event of the year 2012 in Belgrade – Days of Future: Robotics); University of Belgrade prize for the best students' scientific paper in the field of technical sciences (2010).


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