Assoc. Prof. Nadica Miljković
office 68, Building of Technical Faculties
She is a Founder of Open Science Community Serbia. Among other memberships, she is a member of RDA (Research Data Allaince), OAW (Open Access Week), and EOSCsecretariat.
12/15/2021 - Since I was not allowed to present the document at the Teaching-Scientific and Electoral Council No. 868 held on December 14, 2021, according to the publicly given Dean's approval, I present the example from the discussed textbook here. The example was supposed to be presented to the Council members.
Nadica Miljković finished Bachelor, Master and PhD studies at the School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade (ETF). Her main research focus is related to Biomedical Engineering. She published papers related to Biomedical Signal Processing and Electrophysiological Signal Acquisition. Her main scientific contribution is multi-array electrode application in both measurement and electrical stimulation, and application of novel assessment methods based on electrophysiological signals analysis. She started to work at ETF at 2008 as Research and Teaching Associate, and since 2020 she works as Associate Professor. Nadica Miljković published more than 70 papers including 16 papers in scientific journals with impact factor and two open electronic textbooks.
She has experience in R&D of medical instrumentation and she was part of the team for designing two medical rehabilitation devices. Clinical experience includes work with patients with brain traumas and low back pain at the clinics in Belgrade. She is currently Editor of PSSOH Conference and Reviewer for national and international conferences, journals and projects. Also, she was a coordinator for the EOSC Co-creation project Boosting EOSC readiness: Creating a scalable model for capacity building in RDM, in front of University of Belgrade with support from the European Open Science Cloud.
Her teaching activity includes undergraduate, postgraduate, and PhD courses from the fields of Electrical Measurements (Arduino and Python programs), Software Tools (Arduino and Matlab), Biomedical Signal Processing (Matlab, Python, GNU Octave and R), and various fields of Biomedical Engineering. From 2020/21 school year, she teaches a course at the Department of Military Electronic Engineering at the Military Academy in Belgrade, University of Defense. From June 2022 she is engaged as Guest Researcher at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana.
Selected posters and presentations:
- Presentation for abstract titled "An Emerging Trend: Open and Not So Open Licenses for Machine and Deep Learning" presented at the AAI conference in Kragujevac on May 20, 2023,
- Poster and pptx presentation for ZINC Conference, Novi Sad, May, 2018.
- Presentation held during R-Ladies meetup, Belgrade, June, 2018,
- Poster for BelBi Conference (title: "Video-based extraction of movement artifacts in electrogastrography signal"), Belgrade, June 2018, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.19753.29280.
- Poster for BelBi Conference (title: "Motor imagery classification using H2O machine learning platform"), Belgrade, June 2018, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.36530.50888.
- Poster for BelBi Conference (title: "Unobtrusive human activity recognition"), Belgrade, June 2018, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30448.76806.
- Presentation, abstract, code, and raw data for invited talk on "Digital biosignal processing with R" presented at the satRday 2018 Conference in Belgrade (October 26-27, 2018.) are available on GitHub.
- Presentation for Arduino workshop organized by EESTEC is available on GitHub.
- Presentation and paper titled "Two applications of fractional calculus for biosignal processing", December 2018, MIT Conference, Novi Sad, Serbia.
- Presentation for paper titled "Assessment of sickness in virtual environments" presented on March 11, 2019, ICIST Conference, Kopaonik, Serbia. Full paper is available online
- Presentation for lecture titled "IoT & electrical measurements" (available only in Serbian) held on March 26, 2019. during EESTech Challenge-a at the ETF in Belgrade.
- Invited lecture "Biosignals for assessment of cybersickness" held on April 5, 2019. at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. More at:,
- Invited lecture "Clinical and biomedical engineering in Serbia: Perspectives and experiences" held on May 16, 2019 at the Center for Science and Research in Koper-Capodistria, Slovenia during IX Spring School on "IoT, economic and management challenges for e-health integration in the enlarged Europe". More at:,
- Idea description for MamoStat application that entered finals (top three proposals) on Open Data Challenge organized by UNDP,
- Presentation for paper N. Šolaja, N. Miljković, J. Sodnik, Driving activity assessment using accelerometer data, Proceedings of the 28th International Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference ERK, in print, IEEE, September 23-24, 2019, Portorož, Slovenia, that N. Šolaja pripared and presented in Portorož,
- Presentation and paper N. Miljković, B. Stanković, Gender gap in electrical engineering at the University of Belgrade (1923-2010): Analysis of graduates' structure using R, PSSOH Conference, pp. 22-25, University of Belgrade - School of Electrical Engineering and Academic Mind, October 26, 2019, Belgrade, Serbia, ISBN: 978-86-7466-812-2,
- Presentation for PSSOH 2020 workshop (in Serbian) titled "Open research data practices for researchers". More about workshop at